Monday, January 16, 2006

Why this title?

For years, I had a tiny piece of newspaper taped to my fridge that read, "You have broken the Fifth Rule. You have taken yourself too seriously. What are the other rules? There are no other rules." The name attached to the quote was Pierre du Pont. At the time, I had no idea who the man was but loved the idea of one critical, self-regulating mantra -- that I should not take myself too seriously ... or not take anything too seriously, for that matter.

Pierre du Pont had a big corporation to run, but not I. As a writer and a teacher of writing, I tend to take everything too seriously. The construction of this blog, I'm hoping, will be a way for me to funnel some of that useless energy into a positive creation.

I'm just beginning. I don't know where this is going or what real purpose it will serve for me to have a blog. I'm just worried that I'll take it too seriously and really screw it up.


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